Sunday, February 21, 2021

Q3 - Weeks 6 and 7 Editing

 Due Dates 02/26 and 03/05

This week and next you will begin editing your movie opening.  You will once again make two post to your blog, one this week and one next week, during this process.  Each of these post should contain:

  • photos of the computer screen during editing
  • photos of the students involved in editing
  • a discussion about titles and fonts you decided to put into your movie
  • a discussion of the video effects used
  • a discussion of the video transitions used
  • a discussion of the audio effects used
  • problems encountered during editing
  • solutions to problems encountered during editing
  • amount of time spent editing
  • people involved in editing
  • a discussion of additional filming you may have done

Remember 2 Blogs (one this week and one next week) all about editing with photos.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Q3 - Weeks 4 and 5 Filming

 Due Dates 02/12 & 02/19

It's finally time to film!!!  Over the next two weeks you will begin shooting the film footage for your movie opening.  During shooting, you or someone in your group should take photos of all the action.  During each week of filming, you should discuss in a post to your blog your progress, along with some snapshots.  Explain what is happening. Describe your experience. Talk about the issues you may have faced, some successes, and the changes you may have made.  GOOD LUCK!!!

Remember 2 Blog Posts (one this week and one next week) all about filming with photos.  Here are some example posts:



Our group began filming this week. We knew the first step to ensure we got the best shots was to check out the location where we hoped to film. So my group and I headed down to Fifth Ave, Naples. The lighting was perfect at the time we went, around five, so we plan to do our official filming at the same time.

This is our group member, Mickey, taking a picture of the street where we plan to do our filming. We all agreed it was the perfect location.

We also looked at a nearby parking garage, and discussed filming some of our video in the stairwell, or the top of the parking garage. The garage would be great for more suspenseful moments, as there is a feeling of being alone and surrounded by darkness.

This is the stairwell where we might choose to film parts of our video. The ivy also provides a nice background, which we might try to incorporate. 



Our second filming day is when we got all of the shots we had planned to get on our first filming day. I played the role of the detective, Carmen, as she headed to the scene of the crime. The lighting was perfect as the sun was just beginning to set, so it gave us some really good shots. I also wore a coat and glasses to be easily characterized as a detective. By taking multiple, quick shots, we were able to piece together the beginning of a film that will leave viewers wanting more, but that doesn't give everything away. Overall, it was very productive.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Q3 - Week 3 Preparing to Film

 Due 02/05

It is time to prepare for filming.  You need to think about everything that must be done to get ready.  

BLOG - Post in your blog what you did this week in preparation of starting to film.  You should discuss in detail the following elements: 

dates and times, 
and film equipment. 

You will discuss actual filming in your next blog; so if you begin filming this week, take some notes and wait to discuss this next week.