Monday, January 31, 2022

Q3 Week 3 Preparing to Film

  Due 02/04

It is time to prepare for filming.  You need to think about everything that must be done to get ready.  

BLOG - Post in your blog what you did this week in preparation of starting to film.  You should discuss in detail the following elements: 

dates and times, 
and film equipment. 

You will discuss actual filming in your next blog; so if you begin filming this week, take some notes and wait to discuss this next week.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Q3 Week 2 Storyboarding

  Due 01/28

This week you will create your initial storyboard for your film opening.  This storyboard could change in the future as you begin working on your project.  

BLOG - Post a copy of the storyboard in your blog along with an explanation of how you created it and how it flows.   Title this post, "Initial Storyboard".  Those of you working in a group will post the same storyboard with different explanations, and should also explain who did each part of this activity.

Each Storyboard Frame should include:
1. a sketch
2. a description
3. camera angles
4. audio notes
5. transitions

Here's a blank storyboard you can use or if you find another online you prefer, feel free to use it.  You may also need multiple pages.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Q3 Week 1 - Brainstorming

 Due 01/22

This week you will watch several other film openings submitted by past AICE Media students.  After watching each of these film openings, you will brainstorm either alone or with your group members to discuss what you observe.  You should take notes during these brainstorming sessions and then: 

BLOG- post your brainstorming information into your blog for this week. Title the post "Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research."  Your blog should include the title from each of the 8 clips below and observations you made while watching each clip. After all your observations, summarize where these brainstorming sessions led you in making  decisions about your own film opening.

Here are the links to the film openings submitted by past Florida students which you must view and discuss.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Midterm Exam Review

 Midterm Exam, Monday, January 10

Next week you will take a practice exam as your midterm.  This exam will be similar to half of the real AICE Media Studies Exam, Section A: Media Texts.  For this practice exam you will be allowed to use your graphic organizer which you created earlier this term.  Please be aware that these materials will not be available for use during the real exam.  You should also be aware that the real exam will require a second essay on Media Contexts.  We will prepare for that part of the actual exam during the 4th quarter.

AICE Exam Document

This week's portion of the exam will consists of viewing a 5-minute film clip 4 times.   You will take notes after viewing the clip each of the 2nd-4th times.  After the 4th viewing you will write and essay on:

The Knick ("Method and Madness", 2014 dir. Soerbergh)

 In your essay you will discuss, the ways in which how the extract constructs meaning, including the specific representations of individuals/groups/events/places, through the following technical elements:

  • camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • sound
  • mise-en-scene
  • editing

This essay should be at least 500 words.  After you finish writing, you will photograph and upload your handwritten essay by the end of the testing period on Monday, January 10.

BLOG -Post your essay to your blog and title it "Semester Exam - Film Analyses of The Knick