Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Q4 Week 1 - Evaluate Your Peer Reviews

 Due 04/01

This week  you will evaluate the reviews your peers gave you on your Movie Opener.  Once you have posted the reviews to you blog and written an evaluation of them, you should begin making edits to your movie opener.  It will be due on April 8th.

Assignment  - BLOG POST 
After you receive the email containing the peer reviews, create a new blog post and title it "Evaluation of My Peer Reviews".  Copy the table of peer reviews into the post and then write a summary of what they said, how you felt about the suggestions and comments, and what you plan to do with the information.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Q3 Week 9 - Peer Reviews

 Due 03/25

Now you must review the movie openers of your classmates.  Please be kind and constructive in your reviews.  Your classmates are depending on you to give them tips on what they should keep and what they should change.  You should mention if the clip does not look like a movie opener and if it leaves you confused as to what is happening.  You will receive a grade for this assignment so your name and student number is submitted each time you submit the form.  However, you will remain anonymous on what you say and what is given to your classmates.  Your reviews are due on Friday March 25.  Use the form link below to submit each of your film opener reviews.  You might want to open the form before you review your first film so that you know what the questions are and what you should be looking for.  You should submit this form one time for each movie opener below (in other words 9 times).

Peer Review Form:  https://forms.gle/pNUEXNAXCHecvZBN6

Monday, March 7, 2022

Q3 Week 8 - First Draft Movie Opener

  Due 03/11 (No Exceptions!!!)

This week you will finish editing the first cut of your movie opener, upload it to youtube, and post a link to it in your blog by Friday, March 11, 11:59 pm.   This is a very large grade, 400 points or 36% of your grade for Quarter 3.   Each day it is late, I will reduce your score by 100 points.  If it is 5 days late, you will receive an unrecoverable zero! I must have these links on time so that peer review assignments can be made over spring break and posted on Monday, March 21.

Your movie opener should be between 2 and 3 minutes.