Sunday, September 30, 2018

Q1 - Weeks 8 & 9 Assignments

Due 10/12

You will now move on to observing and working with sound in film.  Begin by reading the following articles and then taking the corresponding quizzes below each.

1)  Film Sound and Music
      Week 8 - Quiz 1 - Film Sound & Music

2) The Emotional Realism of Sound
    Week 8 - Quiz 2 - Movies and Film: Sound Effects and Their Functions

2)  Edit - Reopen your "Five Master Edits", in premier pro and add sound to the 5 different scenes.  You should have at least 4 different examples of sound when finished.  This means you can't just add music to all, keep them all direct sound, or voice over all of them.  You can have a combination of sounds on one clip.  You may not have to edit the sound in a clip which you wish to maintain it's current direct sound or if you have already added music to create a leitmotif edit.  If this is the case, these 2 sounds will be part of the four you discuss in your blog.  (Diegetic Direct sound and Non-Diegetic Music)  Choose from these types of sound edits, although you will learn that some items in this list are subcategories of others.

  Diegetic sound, Non-Diegetic sound, Nonsimultaneous sound, Direct sound Synchronous
 sound, Postsynchronization dubbing, Offscreen Sound, Sound Bridge, Voice Over, Sonic flashback, or Music,

     After you finish editing the sound, export your new video with a different name in AVI format and upload it to Youtube.  Do not take down the previous version of the film since it is linked in your post from two weeks ago and needs to remain there in the original version.  You need to keep both versions in order to show your journey.

3)  Post -  Place a link to your new edited version of  "Five Master Shots with Sound Effects" in your blog for this week.  Comment on which types of sound you added and how each affected your film.  Do not limit your comments to just stating and defining the type of sound you used.  State how the sound changed the emotion of your film.

4)  Post - Post a comment on one other students blog about a sound effect you liked in their video.  You do not need to add this part of the assignment to your blog.

Here is the link to my sample "Five Master Edits with Sound Effects"

Sound Effects Added Comments:

1) Music:  I added music throughout most of the film to give it an overall theme of a "Circus" environment.  My clips which were already on my phone when I started this project, are mainly taken at school and sometimes I think of school as a circus.  Adding background music is also a form of non-diegetic sound.

2)  Music:  I added Mozart music to the first half of my contrast section to portray the intelligence of the young man as he's scanning through his textbooks studying.  The music helps you fell that this student is very intelligent.

3) Direct Sound: I left the direct sound in the second half of my contrast video because it contained the music that the same student was dancing to at the volleyball game.   The ambient sound of the volleyball game helps to add to the contrast of the video.  Direct sound is also a form of diegetic sound.

4)  Post Synchronization Dubbing:  In my parallelism clip, I added two different sounds of post synchronization dubbing which were not a part of the original videos.  I recorded myself calling my dogs name and added it to the clip of me walking with the empty leash, and then downloaded a file of a doberman whining to add to my dog walking.  This addition of sound helps the viewer see that a person is walking looking for their dog while at the same time a dog is walking, looking for it's person.  This dubbing is also a form of diegetic sound even though it was not a part of the original film.  The sound appears to be coming directly from the characters on the film.

5)  Voice-over:  I lowered the volume of the background music on my symbolism clip and added a voice-over to better explain the transition.  By adding the voice-over the viewer better understands why the camera goes from one set of stars to another.  (This is just a symbolism reference that could appear in a film, I don't really worry that some of the students will end up in a patrol car.)  Voice-over is a form of non-diegetic sound.

6)  Direct Sound:  In my example of simultaneity, I chose to leave all the natural (direct) sound that was in the film clips.  The sounds show what was happening inside the building and outside the building during the hurricane.  The contrast of the two sounds was enough to help the viewer feel the danger that was just outside.

7)  Sound Bridge:  I allowed the circus music to play throughout my Leitmotif film clip because it represents the emotions I wanted to express during the entire film.  This clip shows the craziness that sometimes goes on in the classroom and how a teacher might feel as though they are a hamster running on a wheel.  The circus music helps to impress these feelings onto the viewer.  The same music running throughout the entire edit also serves as a sound bridge for the various clips linking them together as one video.

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