Sunday, April 28, 2019

Q4 Week 7 - Test Preparation (Sections A & B Sample Papers)

Due 05/03

This week you will spend time looking at the most recently released version of the exam along with candidate responses which are scored High/Medium/Low.  Below the assignments, I have pasted the questions from the test.  Spend time reading through all 6 sample papers (3 responses to Section A, 3 responses to Section B).  As you are reading the samples, be sure to consider the examiners notes about what is good and what is not.

Assignment 1:   Read the candidate responses.  The questions from the exam booklet which produced these responses are copied below.  You will then post a comment to this blog post, of at least 300 words, on what you learned from the candidate responses.  Keep in mind that you have to be logged into your google account for comments and replies to save.

Assignment 2:  Next you will read two of your classmates comments and post a reply about something you learned from their post or found interesting.

Here are the exam questions.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Q4 Week 6 - Test Preparation (Section B Continued)

Due 04/26

This week, just like last, you will read an article, post a 300 word summary and reply to two other classmates' summaries.  Your topic this week is "cross media convergence and synergy" but the information in the article will touch on most of the remaining bullet points in Section B of the exam.  After reading the article you should scroll down to last week's assignment and review the topics mentioned in the Section B explanation.  You should not wait too late in the week to begin reading this article since it is a little over 4800 words.

Here are two simplified definitions of media convergence and synergy to help you get started on the reading.

Convergence can be separated into at least two categories:
1. Technical convergence – in which technologies are used to pair media products: TVs with gaming consoles, PCs with CDs, Virtual reality kits with gaming consoles etc.
2. Corporate convergence – where companies converge to maintain control over ownership/rights and to maximize royalties.

Media Synergy is the way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media.

Assignment 1:  Read the following article "Media Convergence 101"   Please read the entire article.  Although it is quite long and much of what you need to know is at the end, the beginning gives vital background information.  You will then post a comment to this blog post, of at least 300 words, on what you learned about media convergence and how this information relates to the genre or genres you have focused on this year.  Keep in mind that you have to be logged into your google account for comments and replies to save.

Assignment 2:  Next you will read two of your classmates comments and post a reply about something you learned from their post or found interesting.

Just in case you wish to look ahead at a sample exam and candidate responses from the most recently released responses, here are the links to do so.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Q4 Week 5 - Test Preparation (Section B)

Due 04/19

Your exam will consists of two parts:

Section A:
We spent the entire 1st semester preparing for this part of the exam and we will revisit this information in a few weeks.

Section B: Institutions and audiences (50 marks) One question is to be answered from a choice of two. Candidates should be prepared to discuss the processes of production, distribution and marketing as they relate to contemporary media institutions, as well as the nature of audience consumption and the relationships between audiences and institutions. In addition, candidates should be familiar with:

• the issues raised by media ownership and funding in contemporary media practice
• the importance of cross-media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing
• the technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and at the point of consumption
• the significance of the spread of such technologies for institutions and audiences
• the importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences
• the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences by international or global institutions
• the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends in audience behavior. 

Assignment 1:  You will begin the process of preparing for this part of the exam by reading the following article "Audiences & Institutions".  This article on Big Media will help you see the current infrastructure of media companies.  You will also need to find additional information about the companies that produce the movies that you like or fit into your chosen genre.  You will then post a comment to this blog post, of at least 300 words, on what you learned about audiences and institutions and how this information relates to the genre or genres you have focused on this year.  Keep in mind that you have to be logged into your google account for comments and replies to save.

Assignment 2:  Next you will read two of your classmates comments and post a reply about something you learned from their post or found interesting.

Just in case you wish to look ahead at a sample exam and candidate responses from the most recently released responses, here are the links to do so.

Exam 2017

Samples Candidate Responses (High, Medium, Low)