Sunday, April 28, 2019

Q4 Week 7 - Test Preparation (Sections A & B Sample Papers)

Due 05/03

This week you will spend time looking at the most recently released version of the exam along with candidate responses which are scored High/Medium/Low.  Below the assignments, I have pasted the questions from the test.  Spend time reading through all 6 sample papers (3 responses to Section A, 3 responses to Section B).  As you are reading the samples, be sure to consider the examiners notes about what is good and what is not.

Assignment 1:   Read the candidate responses.  The questions from the exam booklet which produced these responses are copied below.  You will then post a comment to this blog post, of at least 300 words, on what you learned from the candidate responses.  Keep in mind that you have to be logged into your google account for comments and replies to save.

Assignment 2:  Next you will read two of your classmates comments and post a reply about something you learned from their post or found interesting.

Here are the exam questions.


  1. While reading the candidate responses, I gained a lot of self-confidence in my own abilities. For both questions, notes are very important. Notes organize your ideas and assist in developing a strong paper. The stronger papers in question one had significantly more organized notes with actual use in the essay itself. Notes shouldn't simply be descriptions either. In order to receive the most points, the descriptions must be analyzed in tone, meaning, and relevancy. The weaker responses for question one had notes that were not used properly, and a major lack of evaluation of their affects. The evidence used for both questions were often bland or lacking. This was evident in the low mark responses, which were incredibly superficial with their interpretations. The higher marked papers provided sufficient, convincing evidence to support their assertions. Assertions without valid evidence are worthless.

    It seems incredibly impossible to fail the questions. The low scored responses lack evidence, depth, and form of reason at all. A constant issue throughout the weaker responses was surface level descriptions. This was evident in question one, where the middle response was entirely superficial. In order to receive more points, an actual analysis is needed. Otherwise, the score will be below 30 points. Beyond analysis, organization is also major. The grader responded to the top scoring papers with having poor introductions and organization at times. This organization should be supported and some form to it. A massive indicator of poor organization, is poor paragraph structure. Some of the paragraphs were incredibly long and winded, others are small and irrelevant. Even the upper-level papers had these types of issues. So, a simple way to improve a score on the exam would be to have a well developed organizational structure to each question. Likewise, each point made should be relevant and supported by evidence. It really is difficult to fail the exam, but if the response is only superficial and not supported by evidence, then it will score low.

    1. I agree with the idea that you must lack basic understanding of how to analyze in order to fail the exam. As long as you support your ideas with evidence, you have a good chance of passing the exam.

    2. Hi Jairo!!! I liked how you included that paying attention to organization can get you high marks, especially if you are unaware of some specific terms, since organization can help replace those missing points.

    3. I really like how you broke down the grading system and analyzed why the papers got the number of points that they did. I agree that orgranization is really important for scoring well. I also like how you mentioned that the notes should be more than just facts. The notes should make meaningful points about the film.

    4. I like how you point out that it is impossible to fail as long as you can derive an explanation. Organization of the paper and using specific examples is key to having a successful paper.

  2. The point I realized from reading candidate responses is that the examiners take note of notes that are not relevant to the question. Not only does this cue examiners in a negative direction, but I recognize that I should only take notes on relevant points so that I do not waste my time. I also learned how important it is for each of the components of part A to include a variety of examples to prove your understanding of the component. It is also useful to follow the chronological order of the film opening as it shows how the different components of the film contribute to the overall meaning of the film.
    Upon reading a response, I realized how important it is to avoid simple content descriptions, but rather ensuring that I include a film analysis as well. Also, it is important to make the length of your response match up to the length of the scene you are discussing. Within question two, it is also important to elaborate on the specific examples of the types of media that you are discussing. Also, if using statistics, it is important to use realistic and valid numbers and also to specify exactly what the numbers reference. Comparing and contrasting examples to other examples is also important to show true understanding and depth of media convergence. A good way to get points is also through a strong and guiding introduction such as a definition.
    My largest take away from reading these responses is how important examples are to your paper. Whether describing the shots in a film or discussing media convergence, examiners want to see that candidates can pinpoint exact moments in media in which that element was applied. Understanding the history of media convergence and the direction it is going will be helpful in writing responses.

    1. I didn't think about the importance of following the chronological order. Reading your comment will help me keep in mind another way to remain organized throughout in order to receive high marks.

    2. I strongly agree with the statement regarding the use of chronological order, as it is seemingly one of the best ways to organize information.

    3. I like how you talked about structing responses! I think chronological order can be very helpful for organization. However, I personally worry that dicussing the scene in chronoligical order has the potential to lead to to much plot summary.

  3. By reading the sample candidate responses, much can be learned about how to approach the AICE Media exam. The example candidate responses provided all received different level of marks. The first being the high response, the second being the middle response, and the third being the low response. After reading each of them, as well as the examiner comments, there were distinct differences between each of them that led to each of their concurrent scores. The first response was obviously more thought out than the other two responses. Most noticeable was the organization. When a new idea began, there was always a new paragraph. The other two response either had paragraphs that were considerably too long, or considerably too short. When writing my own response, I will make sure to stay organized and have a clear organizational pattern in order to gain the highest marks.
    Furthermore, the comment that seemingly repeated itself among the examiners comments dealt with the difference between describing and analyzing. The highest responses always balance these two factors, the middle response made an attempt to balance the factors, and the lowest responses lacked balance altogether. It is important to describe the camera angles, editing, and sound being used, but, you must follow this description with an analysis of how this impacts mood, or the meaning of the overall film. While analyzing and describing, you must also use the correct technical terms that we have learned throughout the year in AICE Media. By balancing analyzing and describing while employing the correct technical terms, you will be able to receive high marks.
    Knowing all of this, I will approach the exam by first being organized and laying out all of the different observations I would like to write about. Then, I will determine an organizational plan and layout for my paragraphs. Finally, as I am writing, I will make sure to analyze each of the components in a meaningful manner. Reading these examples, as well as the examiner comments, helped me see what the examiner is looking for as they grade and how I can best respond to succeed on the exam.

    1. I like how you took discuss the levels of marks and how they correspond to the responses and examiners' notes provided.

    2. I too noticed how important it is to analyze the excerpt instead of just describing its characteristics and features. Good job!

    3. I agree that it seemed of the most importance to both describe and analyze. While describing shows your ability to witness, analyzing shows your ability to think and apply, which is what examiners want to see.

    4. I agree that balance is a huge factor in scoring marks for the exam response. Like you said, the highest-scoring responses are able to exhibit a balance between analysis and descriptions.

  4. One thing that I noticed after reading candidate responses is that the tend to take notes that are not relevant to the question. This not only shows the negative aspects of an examiners’ comments, but shows that notes need to be concise and time cannot be wasted. These examiners comment have given me the idea to follow chronological order to make my answer easier to read. The use of multiple examples would also be helpful to show my understanding of the contents provided. Connecting these examples would also show greater understanding, as well as understanding of the overall meaning of the content.
    After reading a response, I have come to realize now how crucial it is to avoid general/basic content descriptions, but rather use great detail and analysis in my response. It is also important to be accurate and truthful with factual information if you wish to incorporate such information in your answer. Comparing and contrasting other information such as definitions or examples also helps to show the understanding of the writer as it shows the writers ability to connect topics from content to discern the content’s overall meaning.
    I believe the most crucial lesson I could take away would be the importance of examples in my paper. Whether it may be discussing different film angles or utilizing media convergence, examiners are looking for candidates to find specific moments in the contents and utilize them to make claims and statements.

    1. Hi Francisco, I agree with you that it would be best to use multiple examples when explaining how you analyzed the film sequence. That way you can leave the grader with feeling like you have fully grasped the concepts of the class.

    2. yes multiples evidences and then explaing it on how it help u better analyzed is key

    3. The superficiality of the notes and and other points in the weaker essays of both questions were the reason they were marked lower. It is absolutely necessary to analyze the information and points you present rather than merely present them. The information should relevant to the question and also further your thesis/response.

    4. I like how you initially mention that taking relevant notes is important. This makes sense in how you relate it to time management in writing your paper. The whole purpose of taking notes is to help you remember the video so that you can have an easier time to write your paper.

  5. After looking over the sample candidate responses I learned that notes are very important for responding to the questions. However, a candidate should focus on certain subject matters when taking notes so that they do not waste time during this session and write about random things that won't help them later on. Some examples of these sections are camera shots and editing techniques shown in the film. You, of course must also study extensively before hand so that you know what notes to take. When answering the questions it seems the more detail you have the more high marks you will receive, as long as those details are relevant to the film being shown. Your notes are especially helpful in your response because you can turn those notes into paragraphs that successfully describe the scenes being shown. It is also important to give examples to support your specific notes when you mention something in the essay. The meaning of the scenes of the film should also be included, not just description.One of the most common mistakes listed by Cambridge for that year of testing was that people tended to use the wrong terms, so studying vocabulary before hand is a must if one is to get relatively high marks. For the second part of the exam, which is answering about cross-media convergence or how media target certain audience, is also a very important part of the exam, since it is 50 points and part a is 50 points. Knowing details thoroughly about one of the two listed topics is essential in receiving high marks and passing the AICE exam. When responding to the film analysis portion, I also found that, based on the grader's notes, organization is just as important as analyzing the meaning of the film sequence. This is why taking notes throughout the final three showings can help you succeed since it helps you organize your thoughts and ideas about the film.

    1. I agree that taking very effective and succinct notes during the viewing process are key to writing a good paper.

    2. I also very much agree that the notes need to stay relevant to question. For both questions, the notes were either too unorganized or too irrelevant. Some of the notes were even ignored and not used properly.

    3. I liked the way you mentioned the importance of vocabulary. It is important to realize that this is such a common mistake, and thus, studying vocabulary will help us improve our scores.

    4. Scott, I really like how you mentioned turning your notes into paragraphs. you have such a good point, because if you already have the main information, just elaborate on what needs to be described more.

    5. I also believe that good note taking is crucial to a good paper, and liked how you talked about it.

  6. Based upon reading the high, medium, and low responses of the exam, I came to realize that the Cambridge graders grade very keenly, effectively, and sometimes quite harshly. A very integral step to reaching a level 5 is to not miss out on analyzing all key scenes, because, while the high response did an incredible and intricate job of describing the different elements of the film and the way they emphasize the theme and mood of the film, it missed out on full marks because it failed to describe the parallel structure of another scene. Besides that minor fault, I learned that cohesive writing that ties back to the introduction and other evaluations lends to a very readable and well-produced response. The characteristics of the film, from mise-en-scene to sound need to be addressed but they also need to flow together because you need to describe how they build off of each other as well.
    When drawing my attention to the critiques of the medium and low papers, I came to learn what not to do. Responses that simply regurgitate what was seen in the scenes without analyzing how they add to the viewing experience or genre cannot get high or full marks. The structure of the essay also comes into play. A long-winded essay with uneven paragraphs is not going to receive high marks based on its lack of readability and disproportionate evaluations of the different characteristics. Addressed in each of the examples, technical notes are very important to integrate and describe. An essay focused on character description unfortunately will not receive high marks.
    For the second question, it appears that specific examples are necessary and aid in answering the question effectively. I am not very sure by what Cambridge means by “systematic”, but it is apparent in their comments that a truly effective paper should be systematic in the writing.

    1. You made a good point about how the characteristics of the film need to build off of each other. Recognizing them separately is sufficient, however your essay goes to the next level when you can apply the different characteristics to each other and show how they create development.

  7. After reading the sample responses from candidates, I learned that the best responses make use of their note taking time and jot down every notable aspect of the film. One strategy I learned is to have a set of features that I will be looking for. On the exam I will have to look out for different camera angles, movements, and framing. High marked papers take clearly take notes on things of significance. The high marked papers also explained the the significance of the techniques used and why they contribute to the overall meaning of the film. For example, the high marked paper references how the first episode of Fargo illustrates the mundane realism of the character’s surroundings. For evidence the candidate cites the gloomy dull laundry room and the long shot of the dining room. The candidate even references the monotonous sound pattern to further enforce how the setting is mundane. The highest papers explore a wide range of textual analysis. The example paper was rewarded for offering a wide range of details, but was it criticized for not fully explaining the mood of the scene and its underlying comic tone. I noticed that weaker papers are less detailed in their explanations. The example paper for the mid range score was criticized for not giving examples to assert their claims like the first paper did. Instead, the mid range paper had too much description about the footage without any analysis. The mid range paper was also criticised for not accurately describing the tone of the scene. I learned that it is important to mention the tone and the mood and how they are reflected by the camera angles, lighting, mise en scene, etc. I also learned that you cannot merely summarize the plot or else it will not be received well by the graders. The graders also criticized the paper for having no structure, which was made obvious to them because of the long winded paragraphs that were not broken up. The lowest scoring paper did not do well because it did not mention enough about camera work and lacked technical notes. Overall, I learned that in order to do well on the exam, I need to give plenty of evidence to support my assertions, discuss the tone of the scene, and show how the camera work, editing, and staging contribute to the overall message of the scene.

    1. i also agree that supporting your assertions, discuessing the tone and more is key to passing

    2. I appreciate the note of including the tone and purpose of the film because that would help focus the paper.

    3. I like the explanation of what is needed for a good score and then you chose to use examples to get a fuller understanding of the points to hit.

  8. As a veteran Cambridge AICE student the fact that the Cambridge graders are very harsh and honest this does not stunned me since i have already received some pretty bad marks on those exams. But in order to reach and score a level five is to analyze on absolutely every film elements and explainging it very clearly. I also learned that by tying back to the introduction and making well-developed evaluation on the characteristics of the film, misc-en-scene, sounds and et cetera must be included in my responce. After reading and comprehending to the critiques of the medium and low papers, I could learn from their mistakes of what they did good and to avoid not to do the mistakes they have done. The responses that simply just wrote what filming element is in the scenes without analyzing how they it play a pivotal role in the audience, mood or genre will not receive high or full marks.

    What i have also taking into consideration is that a long-winded essay with uneven paragraphs will not going to receive high marks if you cannot even read it and the shown lack of understandment of each of the different filming characteristics. To conclude my comment, i have also learn that technical notes are very important to explain. Meanwhile an essay focused on character appearance is not to necessary because it will not receive high marks unfortunately.For the section b , all you have to do is just provide specific examples to answer the question effectively. That is what is truly effective to write a section b paper.

  9. From reading these candidate responses, I learned that it is very important to make logically organized notes for question one. Usually, someone’s notes will be difficult to read for another person. However, on this exam, one must accommodate that and make notes that are legible, logical, and organized. Writing notes in this way will also be helpful in planning for the real response writing. The best way to do this is to begin with a set of categories that you will discuss in your response. These categories are most logical as camera, sound, editing, and mise-en-scene. In the introduction of a response, one should write a couple of sentences to summarize what happened in the film clip and what it portrayed. Then, in the next few paragraphs, one should use the information written in the notes to construct a lengthier and more in-detail before. An effective way to do this is to organize the components of the film chronologically, writing about notable points of codes and conventions, camera, lighting, editing, etc. in the order in which they appear. In this response, be sure to include reflection on what reaction the film production team was trying to extract from the audience. For the second question, it is best to start with defining the parameters and terms of the question so you have an outline of what you will be discussing. Not only will this improve your preparation, but it will ensure that the grader has a grasp of your understanding of the question. It is also best to use examples to provide the reader with more evidence that you are familiar with the topic at hand. Be sure to describe the relationship between audiences and institutions. Most importantly, it is vital to prove your understanding of the question and answer it completely, providing examples of both sides of the argument if necessary.

    1. I really liked how you emphasized the importance of having detailed notes both as an outline for the paper and evidence for understanding what you viewed. This practice is definitely a useful tool.

    2. I think it was very important that you talked about how crucial it is in organizing the notes well enough so that examiners know what you are addressing, but most important, to have good notes to write an effective response.

    3. You really went into how important detailed notes are and i completely agree with you!

    4. Definitely agree with what you said about organizing out notes when we take the exam. Through what the grader said on the sample paper, it is clear thorough and concise notes are key to higher marks.

  10. As I have taken various AICE classes and tests over the past 3 years, I have become very familiar to the kind of writing that is needed to write a successful paper that graders can comprehend and give positive feedback. Generally, AICE graders are very harsh and honest in their responses to students' papers, in which they should be. The first candidate's paper seems to be a bit unorganized as it shows a bulleted list and is very clustered. The grader of this paper does like a lot of aspects of the paper as the candidate describes mise en scene very precisely and uses examples to back up their point. The grader also points out the good qualities of the writer saying that
    "These notes illustrate that the
    candidate is observant and is
    picking out elements of
    When explaining the various topics such as camera angles, lighting and mise en scene, using specific examples makes the paper much stronger and attracts the reader. The grader additionally notes that accurate terminology is one of the key parts to a successful paper.

    On the second paper, the grader notes that candidates should use various words so that the paper does not sound repetitive. The writer does not include various examples in which the grader points out. The grader emphasizes that explanation of meaning, specific examples, and paragraph structure are the main problems that this candidate had. After reading the sample papers, each grader comments heavily on examples and structure, in which I should keep in mind while I write my response.

  11. After reviewing the candidate responses for question one, I’ve learned it is very valuable to make meaningful notes to help plan what should be written. A well-practice method would be to consider each aspect of the film: camera, editing, sound, and mise-en-scene. While it is valuable to take the reader through a chronological depiction of the clip, it is more important to establish meaning throughout the paper. The best method seems to rely on organized notes that layout the key aspects of the clip. For when I take the test, I will try to make notes that contribute to my general understanding of the film. The introduction paragraph should make a sustainable claim reflecting on the main message of the film, and each additional component discussed should resort back to the meaning of the entire film. It’s important to think about all the technical codes throughout the clip and discuss them with a distinct purpose in showing how they worked together to build a compelling theme. Another comment made by the graders is that some candidates disregarded important scenes. A way to make sure all scenes are included is to make a firm outline of each scene and the important details that contributed to the main meaning. Addressing the terminology to explain the situations will help show a candidates’ understanding of the material presented. Reading the responses for question two, it’s clear that organization is very important to writing a good paper. The high-scoring paper scored well because they had many examples for how cross-media convergence and synergy advances the outreach of an institution or production. However, it lacked a clear structure and definition for the core components discussed. For the second part, it’s best to stay focused and organized in order for the concept to be effectively conveyed. This part can be well practiced before the test, so research that could contribute to the response would increase marks given. I learned that for both questions it’s important to go into detail on each element being asked and follow a focused structure throughout the response.

    1. I liked how you talked about the importance of how the candidates need to portray the understanding of the material.

    2. I like how you had weighted judgements on the paper, in which you referred to the importance of one scene over another.

  12. After reading the candidate’s responses I learned that when taking notes, I should avoid taking random notes. Instead I should take notes with specifics that will help me in my writing to the actual response. In addition, I also realized that having examples in my notes for camera angles and editing techniques. while reading the notes from each level someone can I get, I saw a range of different ideas that I can include in my own notes that will strengthen my level received as well as things I should avoid. While reading the actual response to question 1 of the candidate with the high-level grading, I realized that when writing my response, I should have good descriptions and have a great balance of examples. from reading the other levels or response, I learned that having too much description on a certain topic is not good, I should a good amount of description, also with a very systemic flow of events throughout the film. It is also crucial that I let the examiners believe that I have a very clear understanding of the terms I use. It appears very evident throughout the responses that the examiners are very distinctive in the amount of information I use. I must keep in mind to use enough examples, descriptions, or whatever information needed to create an effective response that portrays my understanding of the film being commented as well as the different things used to create that film. Overall, from these responses I have learned that I should have a balance in each of the topics I write about and make sure to show my understanding of how a film works. While reading the responses to the second question I learned that the main idea of my response is to show my understanding of the topic I chose and to effectively answer the one the questions while displaying my knowledge of the topics, like synergy and media convergence that I have learned prier. Lastly, reading these responses gave me an insight on what I am to expect and how I should approach answer the questions.

    1. I found it interesting how we were all able to read the same responses and have different thoughts in the matter. I liked how you focused on the importance of planning.

    2. Planning and I realized that but I learned from your response that planning is integal l to success.

    3. I agree, planning is an important part to focus on that is stressed on in the article.

  13. The candidate responses paired with the grader’s comments were extremely helpful in preparing for the AICE test. I learned most importantly that, while note-taking is important, it’s even more important that you have a purpose while taking notes, and that, rather than simply jotting down random facts, it is helpful to look for specific technical things during the mote-taking time. It is also helpful to “pick out elements of significance,” as this will later help with the answering of questions. Additionally, it seems that an effective response to the first question is structured as any traditional essay with an introduction followed by body paragraphs discussing the main topics and a conclusion. The graders seemed to like when technical codes were mixed and also enjoyed sentences that tied everything together, which is consistent with preferences for other AICE tests involving writing. It also seems that the ability to articulate well is rewarded, as easier reading for the grader is always helpful. However, I was surprised with how long answer 1 alone was, and this is important to realize as I prepare for the test in order to avoid responding with an inappropriately short response. Question 2 is not much different from question 1. Stylistically, the same structure can be used for both responses, in which an introduction outlines the body paragraphs to come and then consistency refer back to the introductory thesis. I also realized that many of the subjects touched on for question 2 refer directly to the articles that we have been reading for the last couple of weeks, so I will be sure to read over them again in order to refresh my memory before going into the test. However, there are also many references to technical vocabulary, so it is important that all of the technical conventions that were learned about in the beginning of the year are respected at present.

    1. I found it interesting how you talked about format and the structure of the different papers, I also notice that!

  14. I found the format to be interesting for the high scoring paper. The format is in not form then goes in depth in regards to the different aspects of the the paper. The notes on the margins are important and very helpful rather than the AICE’s traditional mark scheme because it show the importance of the individual aspects of the paper. This show what is effective and what is not effective in regards to the writing of the paper during the exam. Looking at the high paper shows me that I have a lot of freedom to express myself in different margins and in different ways. This is important to have a broad knowledge of the information I should have the ability to go in depth like the high scoring paper. Then, this show how could the candidate improve the answer. This is extremely helpful because they give an rather (again) a mark scheme and states that they should be extracted from textual analysis. The middle analysis shows a satisfactory answer, but fails to go the extra step. “Overall, this is a satisfactory response, with some use of technical terms and some understanding of how meaning is generated in the extract.” So with this response you can still pass, but if you want to move up to the high, you have to go more depth on analysis of aspects. Furthermore, this shows the low response and it’s contrast drastically between high and low response. The examiner describes the paper as “Overall, the candidate struggles with relating technical codes to meaning in a limited answer.” This paper simply described the aspects but did not have analysis. Then, goes in depth on common mistakes. This examiner’s report gave me more information on the format of the text and what was expected of us as examinees. I personally gained a lot of confidence going into this exam.

    1. Soph, I totally agree with you when it comes to the organization of the high scoring paper. I also like how you touched on the notes and how the grader commented on notes that were not important towards the overall answer.

  15. After reading all of the candidate responses, a high, medium, and low score, I realized that note taking is something that works very well and it shows the grader that the candidate is actively paying attention which can help increase their score. One specific part about the note taking is the effectiveness of the candidates notes. All responses had a generous amount of notes, but the grader added comments saying that some of the notes were unnecessary. I will know what is relevant or not because I will watch the film multiple times, and after the first time of watching it and taking mental notes, I will know what is important enough to actually write down on my paper. More importantly than the notes is the final answer. Like any other AICE exam, I will write very neatly so the grader will not have a hard time determining what I said which may cost me some points. I will also make sure to clearly distinguish my different answers by labeling them editing, camera angles, etc. so the grader once again does not get confused. I will also make sure I completely cross out my work if I do not want it to be scored. The canidate who scored the highest gave descriptive details as to what the questions were asking so I will make sure I do the same and go into deep detail when answering all parts of the question. I will also set my answer up like an essay. I will have a hook and thesis statement in my introduction to let the reader know what question and topic i will be discussing and answering, I will also have body paragraphs where I will cite specific evidence from the film, and lastly, I will have a conclusion to summarize what I have said in my prior paragraphs. I will also make sure I answer every part of the question and I will do this by having a paragraph for every part of my answer.

    1. I like how you broke down what will be important for you to be able to produce relevant and concise notes in response to the film we watch for the exam. overall, very good post!

  16. After reading the candidate responses, I came to the conclusion that the correct type of note taking is very important, and I will make sure I take good notes during my testing time. I believe that taking the notes will not only help me personally while I take the test but show the grader that I might know what I’m writing about so maybe it will help increase my score just a tad. I also have to make sure that the notes make sense and should be there. I noted that the grader said that some of the notes were unnecessary. I am going to make sure and focus while watching the film repetitively. I wont take notes the first time I watch it so I am not distracted and can really watch and take in the film. After that, I will take down the most important notes which will be what I feel will are the most important points and things I can use for the test. Also, on top of notes, I will make sure that during the test I will be neat and organized while writing everything down. Sometimes if I am writing really fast or if I am rushed I can get away with myself and end up very unorganized and messy. I will also go into depth and detail when answering the questions, I tend to start rambling on and on and repeating what I already wrote so I will also make sure that I stay on track and not go not far from topic. I also am going to make sure my thesis is a good one, because in the past I have tended to not have strong thesis statements and causes me to only go down in my writing from there. I will also make sure I write at a good enough pace so I finish before the time runs out, but also well enough so it doesn’t sound rushed.


  17. Some things I have learned in reviewing past test answers is that in order to score high marks you need to find key points in the film clip and elaborate with details showing that you were engaged. You also need to be as detailed and get examples for each question. Place multiple elements of media and try to describe the meaning and then following with an explanation how it connects.instead of having scattered ideas when watching the clip given its best to have well organized ideas hitting every major point with details.Looking for specific examples will create a focus and instead of jumping around from idea to idea, there should be a few ideas and more explanation. Terminology is a key point in scoring well, it ties things together. Remember to not become descriptive and simple write chronological order of it rather use examples and find the meaning. Although you need to spread a variety of ideas into the writing, there needs to be structure and format to it and isn’t too short. The meaning of the scenes of the film should also be included, not just description, actually knowing what and why the scene is shown is far more important. A common mistake made was to put random vocabulary words without knowing the real context it was it making it sound choppy and the writing to not flow as it should. Having multiple vocabulary words is not as valid as having less with elaboration backing it up showing the knowledge behind it all. For section B, the main points to remember that haven’t been said for the other section are to start with defining terms at the beginning, then use specific examples and do not use quantities if your not certain of the amount, create comparison with other topics and you can even connect it to your own experiences as well.

  18. After reading the AICE candidates responses that were graded by AICE proctors, it has become very clear to me that what AICE graders are looking for in responses is very specific, and often doesn’t allow for much of any differing from their grading rubrics. While much of what the candidate is either noting or writing about is fairly open ended for grading purposes, it is very clear that graders look for specific key components in candidates responses. The way the grader is awarding points and taking notes on the writers specific examples and support shows that the grader is being very specific in what they want to award points for.
    For the note taking portion in specific, the grader makes a specific note of how the notes clarity and connectivity are important to the way the content viewed flows together. In the graders first remark they state that what is written looks more like “random observations”, and the writer doesn’t necessarily fully grasp how the notes should be taken ,and the specific detail that needs to be involved. For the response portion to section A, the writers response was very thorough in both describing the details of the scenes shown to her, as well as providing thorough analysis that brought all of her reasoning and analysis together. While the grader makes it very clear that the writers response was very thorough, the grader does say that the writer didn’t reach a level 5 because she didn’t cover a key specific scene in her analysis. Since the grader mentioned this and didn’t award points for the missing content, it is very clear to me as well that my part A needs to be very inclusive and through regarding everything I watch in the film clip.

    For part B, the graders marks made it very clear the rubric is based strongly of the ability to analyze and break down the content, not to summarize what has been watched. Since the writer didn’t incorporate many specific examples or descriptions into their final response, it is clear why they got the score they did.

  19. Nature always helps a writer to learn from its elements. Nature always try to teach new lessons and a writer transform its experience into words. He can transform even silence into words. This blog taught me a lesson.
    Selective School Test Preparation
