Sunday, April 5, 2020

Q4 - Week 3 Movie Opener Final Draft

Due 04/10

Two simple assignments this week.

Assingment 1 - BLOG POST - It is time to post your final draft.  After making whatever changes you yourself, or you and your group members have decided upon, upload the final draft to youtube and paste a working link in your blog.  Label this post "Movie Opener Final Draft".  If you don't have the ability to upload the final draft to your own Youtube channel just get the link from the one person in your group that uploaded it an paste it in your blog.  This should be at the top of your blog.  Only one post will appear above this one later on. (your CCR)

Below the link in the same post write a brief statement about the changes that were made or not made.

Assignment 2 - Submit the Form "What did you do to work on your movie opener this week?"