Monday, May 10, 2021

Q4 Week 6 - Preparing for the AICE Media Studies Exam (continued)

 Due 05/14

This week, just like last, you will read an article and write a 600 word essay summary which you will upload to Canvas.  Your topic this week is "cross media convergence and synergy" but the information in the article will touch on most of the remaining bullet points in Section B of the exam.  You should not wait too late in the week to begin reading this article since it is a little over 4800 words.

Here are two simplified definitions of media convergence and synergy to help you get started on the reading.

Convergence can be separated into at least two categories:
1. Technical convergence – in which technologies are used to pair media products: TVs with gaming consoles, PCs with with internet and online streaming, Smart phones with Apps, social media and online entertainment, Virtual reality kits with gaming consoles etc.
2. Corporate convergence – where companies converge to maintain control over ownership/rights and to maximize royalties.

Media Synergy is the way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media.

Assignment 1:  Read the following article "Media Convergence 101"   Please read the entire article.  Although it is quite long and much of what you need to know is at the end, the beginning gives vital background information.  You will then write a not less than 600 word essay, on what you learned about media convergence and how this information relates to the genre or genres you have focused on this year. This essay will be uploaded in a CANVAS assignment.

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