Due 10/03
This week you will continue to show your knowledge of the "Five Master Edits," you have been studying, and also filmed yourself over the past two and a half weeks.
Contrast - Parallelism - Symbolism - Simultaneity - Leitmotif
Here are your assignments for this week.
1) Film: Your assignment is to observe three of these five edits in a film of your choosing. You can observe them in the same film or three different films if you wish. You can locate these edits in either a movie, or a series episode. Record each of the edits as a video clip on your phone. These should be nice looking videos that are shot in landscape. You are not allowed to use the same scene as two different edit examples, although you might mention in your explanation that a clip could have been used as another example. You are also not allowed to use any of the examples given in the video "Pudovkin's 5 Editing Techniques".
2) Post: When you have found and recorded on your phone each of your three edit choices, post them in your blog as embedded clips with an explanation of how the clip fulfills the definition of the edit. You should have at least 100 words describing each of the three clips, for a total of 300 words.
Here is my one example:
In this film clip from the Cinemax series "Outcast, Season 2, Episode 10", Amber who is hiding for her life with her mother in a rundown hotel room, hears a knock at the door while her mother has momentarily left her to take a shower. In the background you can clearly hear the water from the shower. The scene quickly jump cuts to a running water faucet where the serial killer and alien possessed, Blake Morrow, is washing his face while contemplating his revenge on Amber's father, Kyle Barns, who is chained in a nearby room. The parallelism comes from the sound of the water, which doesn't change as the scene jumps. This particular clip could have also been used as an example of simultaneity, since the two scenes are happening at the same time in two different locations.